Difference Between Real And Fake Olive Oil: Simple Tips To Check It

Most people are aware that olive oil is beneficial for their health. It offers a variety of benefits from aiding with weight loss to reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

However, you may not realize that not all olive oil is real. Some companies market fake olive oil. You should note there are some differences. Alongside it generally being cheaper, you’ll want to know how to check original olive oil and even what the difference is between it and real extra virgin olive oil, such as this fantastic one produced in an original frantoio pugliese.

How Do You Test If It's The Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The majority of fake olive oils do have some olive oil in them. However, it’s mixed with other oils, such as vegetable oil. This reduces the manufacturing costs, but not necessarily the price to you.

Here’s what you need to do to see if it’s real extra virgin olive oil or not.

Harvesting Date

High-quality real extra virgin olive oil brands will print a harvest date on the bottle. By itself, this doesn’t tell you a lot. However, it does indicate that you are looking at an oil produced by a reputable manufacturer. Fresh olive oil is generally better, so a harvest date within the last 18 months is a good thing.

In short, they are being transparent about the product and an ingredients list will be included: this shouldn’t show any other oils. The additional information allows you to make an informed choice, illustrating that they trust the quality of their product. The best manufacturers will even include information about where the olives are from. That helps to confirm authenticity.

Taste Test

Real olive oil has a unique taste. Dip a finger in a bottle of real olive oil and a fake one, you’ll instantly notice the difference.

Real extra virgin olive oil has a peppery flavor and feels light, almost bubbly on the tongue. In contrast, fake olive oils won’t have the peppery flavor. They will also feel heavy and perhaps even waxy or greasy. That’s a bad sign for olive oil.

The Origin

The exact origins of olive oil are unknown, but it has been a staple in Mediterranean cooking since Ancient Greek times. It was also used as lamp fuel around 2500 BC! To check if you’re looking at original olive oil look at where it comes from. Some of the finest olive oils in production come from Italy. An Italian origin is a good indication that your oil is genuine. After all, Italians are passionate about their food.


If you’re in Europe you’ll find that the European Union has created certification levels. If your olive oil says “DOP/PDO”, then the origins, and therefore the quality, of the oil have been verified. In short, it’s the real thing.

Original Olive Oil Versus Extra Virgin Olive Oil

All olive oils are made by pressing olives to remove the oils. It’s a real olive oil if oil from olives is the only type of oil in it. However, you’ll notice a color difference between regular olive oil and extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil are the highest qualities, both are made without the use of heat or chemicals. In short, it’s the purest form of olive oil. In contrast, regular olive oil is made with olive oil and refined olive oils. Heat and/or chemicals are used in the production process, making it a good option for all-purpose cooking.

Summing Up

Now you know how to check original olive oil, you have no excuse for choosing a fake. After all, if you’re looking to cook with olive oil, you’ll get the best flavors and health benefits when you use the real thing.

The good news is you now know how to do just that.

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